Sunday, May 1, 2011

Remarketing Strategies

Remarketing is a completely innovative way of approaching Internet marketing
and here's where this can be to YOUR Advantage

In ONE QUICK AND EASY PROGRAMME get Google to capture all your lost visitors and then REMARKET TO THEM across the Google Network time and again for up to 18 months! Remarketing is an incredibly effective technique of keeping track of all those who come to your sites, look and leave. NEVER BEFORE HAS IT BEEN POSSIBLE IN SO EASY A WAY, to capture all those visitors and to remarket your sites and products to them continously. Traditionally once those visitors were gone, they were gone, lost in cyberspace. Visitors may leave your site for many reasons and it is not easy for them to locate your site and return. NOW THERE IS METHOD - Through Remarketing, Google can advertise your site, your brand, your product where ever your visitors may wander over the whole Google Network.

MASSIVE SAVINGS ON MARKETING BUDGETS and colossally more effective results! Remarketing gives you Niche Targeting, specific marketing to chosen audiences. Target potential customers only within your product area. Remarketing targets those who have visited your site before. They are already interested in your product. Unlike traditional 'fishing net' tactics that advertise to vast audiences for massive amounts of money and very little conversion rates - remarketing specifies your advertising target - less money spent on much higher conversion rates. And this can be a very specific target market.

ZERO COST TO START THE PROGRAMME - you can begin your remarketing for NO cost. And keep to ZERO whilst you are creating your ads, gaining experience and expertise in these techniques. We also show you how to create your preliminary audience for little or no cost until your campaign is ready to blast the market.

NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED and no investing in huge amounts of time to start. Your campaign can be set up initially within an hour. Once you learn the techniques new advertising campaigns take around ten minutes. Once your campaigns are on the web Google makes it automatic. After set-up you literally do not need to do anything, Google does it all for you.

TRAFFIC CONVERSIONS, SALES AND PROFITS INCREASE within your controlled budget. As your income increases so you can choose to spend more on the Remarketing campaigns which in turn means your profits rise. No having to pay an up front massive fee without results.Traditional Internet advertising, particularly Banner ads are extortionately costly, for design and placings.
But now in your own 'Code Revealing Codex Course!' you are taken step by step
through the whole process. Within a hour or two at the most you will know
AND make your Banner for FREE with Google.

You will have all the skills to get Google to place it on your chosen areas on the web throughout their network.


    What you get in your course:-

    An instant download 'Code Revealing Codex' - this takes you from the basics of setting up an Adwords campaign and progressing through to a Remarketing campaign.

    This 'Codex' gives step by step guide to setting up your Remarketing on your site with illustrations and screen shots to guide you clearly through it.

    Full explanations are given on the intricacies of the Google campaign.

    Three months of updates and follow ups bringing you further information and guidance on the more advanced techniques of Remarketing.

Remarketing is being called the 'Stalker' marketing technique
as it follows YOUR website visitors around the entire Google Network!

You may already have experienced this phenomenon, as you surf around the web, visiting sites, you see the same advert following you. Days and weeks pass and visiting other sites BINGO there is that advert again, and again. As it promotes a site you visited earlier, and a product in which you have shown interest so it piques your curiosity and you click through to the site.

Now what is amazing is that without that stalker technique you may never come across that website you once visited. But after a subliminal campaign the advert (usually a banner ad) encourages you to click through and then it is possible for you to purchase or opt in.

Or perhaps the advert tells you of a special offer that you would have never have discovered!
If Remarketing is so brilliant why aren't others using it?
THEY ARE! - Top Internet Marketers ARE using it, but THEY ARE KEEPING IT VERY QUIET!

As with every new idea and strategy on the web, the best time to get in is at the start. And this is precisely where YOU are at the moment.

Though the concept of Remarketing has been around for a few years, it has always been in the hands of companies who offered this service. Then in 2010 Google recognised the potential of this revolutionary method of marketing. They beta tested the idea, modified and tweaked it until at last it is now available to all on the Internet.

But known only to a few!

You cannot blame the top marketers for wanting to keep this secret - as with everything on the Internet the most effective time to use a powerfully lucrative strategy is at the start, before everyone else does it. In Surfer terms - you need to be on the crest of the wave to reap the full benefits!

And that is where this strategy is now.

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Remarketing Strategies
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